Committee on Development, Economic Affairs and Good Governance

Brief introduction :-

        This committee is constituted in the National Assembly pursuant to article 97 of the Constitution of Nepal in order to make the government accountable and responsible to the National Assembly and also to give necessary direction or opinion, advice after monitoring and evaluating the act and activities carried out by the government.

        The National Assembly Rules, in rule 149, provides for that in every committee the Chairperson shall, with the leave of the National Assembly, nominate not more than fifteen  members and  in  nominating the  members  in  the committees  attention shall be paid to the number of  members of the  political parties represented in the House, personal interest and knowledge of the member and the proportional representation of women, Dalit,  indigenous/nationalities people, Khas-Arya,Madhesi,Tharu,Muslim,backward region,people with disability, minority communities as well. Pursuant  to the said provision, the right  honorable Chairperson nominated members on this committee on  2075.4.17 ( August 02,2018 ) .

        Meeting of committee

        The first meeting of the committee was held on August 07,2018 . As per rule 150 of the National Assembly Rules, five meetings of the committee were held under the chairpersonship of the eldest member honorable Dina Nath Sharma pursuant to sub –rule (2) of rule 152 until the election  of the chairperson was held. Honourable Prakash Pantha was elected the chairperson of the committee on September 08, 2022 and he chaired the meetings of the committee until his tenure as the member of National Assembly retired on March 4, 2024. Honourable Kamala Panta, who was elected as the chairperson of committee on march 18, 2024, has been  chaired the meetings of the committee.

        The chairperson of the committee calls the meeting of the committee as required. However, where the meeting of the committee is in recess, if one fourth member of the committee requests in writing to chairperson with agenda for discussion that it is appropriate  to call the meeting, the chairperson has to fix within five days the date and time for meeting.

         The chairperson presides over the meeting of the committee and in his/her absence, the eldest member present in the meeting of the committee presides over the meeting of the committee. If a meeting of the committee or sub-committee requires to be held outside the precincts of the parliament building, the chairperson shall have to seek a written permission of the Chairperson.


       The quorum of a committee is one third of the total number of members of the committee. If no quorum is constituted in a  meeting of a committee, the chairperson may withhold the meeting for any another time or day. However, if the meeting of the committee is to be  adjourned for two times consecutively for lack of quorum, the chairperson  of the committee is required  to furnish information thereof to the Chairperson (of the House) .

       Decision of the committee:

       The decision of a majority of the members of the committee present in the meeting is deemed to be the decision of the committee, and in case of tie of votes, the chairperson castes a decisive vote. The decision of the meeting of the committee is to  be certified by the chairperson and the secretary.

       The decision/ publications of the committee may be read by clicking  downloads.

        Jurisdiction of the  committee

       The  jurisdiction of the committee is the matters relating to sustainable and balanced development and promotion of good governance pursued by  Government of Nepal

       Secretariat of the committee

       Rule 162 of the National Assembly Rules, 2018, provides for that there shall be a Secretariat for each committee under the parliament Secretariat. The secretary is the  ex-officio secretary to each committee. As per the provision that the Secretary- General may designate any senior officer under him/her to work as the secretary to any committee, at present,  secretary Dr. Roj Nath Pandey is committee secretary.  

(Last updated : July 15, 2024)


Hon.Kamala Devi Panta,
Chair Person
Dr. Rojnath Pandey,
Committee Secretary